Copyright to World City Brokers

Copyright to World City Brokers
Why engage WCB to market your Project or Property?
WCB’s ability to undertake face to face meetings with prospective purchasers due to our Hong Kong base and its consultants based in Tokyo, Shanghai and Singapore.
Operatives based in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Tokyo who understand your product along with the unique Australian and Asian markets.​
It is not all about China. WCB have seen increasing interest from Malaysian’s and Indonesian’s seeing Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide as a student destination seeking units and townhouses close to the CBD and universities. There is also increased inquiry from Japan, Singapore and South Korea.
WCB’s extensive database of international investors and expats which has been established from its many years of working throughout Asia, North America and Europe, looking to invest their money back into Australia.
The direct marketing of your project to qualified investors. WCB puts your property in front of investors who it believes will be directly interested in your product comprising of mid to high net worth individuals with an interest in the region.
WCB continually interact directly with its expat and foreign buyers via FaceBook and Instagram which is a proven marketing tool in the region, uploading articles and information on Australia’s cities as a destination to live and to purchase which will also include the marketing of specific projects and properties.
WCB’s webpage will also be utilised for marketing where appropriate along with specific local papers and publications which we know will reach our desired market.